Friday, January 27, 2006 quiet

Daily I wake up with a goal that I desire to accomplish. Lately it has been the same goal, and maybe you can relate, to control my tone and my tendancy to errupt when circumstances become overwhelming. More simply put controlling my temper and being more quiet with my children. Sometimes I feel like my children see me as the Incredible Hulk mommy. Anyway, I have yet to accomplish or master this goal of suppressing the green mean mommy that lives within.

I found this to be inspiring:

"I endeavor to quietly......and calmly.....and determinedly.......endure life's challenges as they roll in and out with the regularity of the oceans's surf

You see my goal my prayer is always that I will not give in, give up, or quit. Instead of becoming incapacitated by emotions, I want to be that soldier who is beautiful in God's eyes.....
" (Elizabeth George in her book Beautiful in God's eyes.)

I read this the other night and how perfectly it described my desire in my goal for each day! Daily there are challenges rolling in and out and I want to quietly, calmly, and determinedly paddle on my board of endurance through those to catch the big wave way out there and ride it in. Today, as I go about my routine of cooking, cleaning, disciplining, homeschooling, and talking I am going to reflect on this:

*speak less often (Proverbs 10:19)
*speak only after I have thought about what I am going to say ( Proverbs 15:28)
*speak only what is sweet and pleasant(Proverbs 16:21;24)
*speak only what is wise and kind (Proverbs 31:26)
(Elizabeth George/Beautiful in God's eyes)

And one way for me to do this today, I am going to when the waves are rolling in a little faster than usuall going to remember my endurance board and paddle through them by speaking in a soft tone, like a loud whisper. I want to do this to help my mind be conscience of my goal all throughout the day. When I go to harshly rebuke my "Superman" for irritating his little brother for the 100th time today I will remember........shhh be quiet and whisper.

I pray that this will be effective.

1 comment:

Mister Jason said...

I think that you should have a nickname for yourself. Since "Superman," "T-Rex," and "Expresso" are all in the house--you should call yourself "The Incredible Hulk." But only call yourself that when you're a little upset as you're blogging. Whenever you're feeling okay, you could call yourself Dr. Bruce Banner. That way, your readers will be able to interpret your moods when you're blogging.