Saturday, October 29, 2005

Training them in Righteousness (just some things i have learned)

For the last few weeks I have been soaked with instruction of how to train my children up in righteousness. Not to say I have learned all there is to know for I will start to dry out and at that time will need it once again to be poured on me. The Lord has opened my eyes to see things that I have not seen in my journey of discipline. For the past few months, I guess ever since we moved here to Dallas, I have only been seeing with what I guess you could call perriferial vision. Things have been crazy hectic here and I have lost full sight of my calling to train my children in the way they should go. It is unfortunenet that things can overshadow my vastly important job, as a parent. The little boys that run around my house are not just little people but little people with souls that need spiritual nurishment and guidence.

I have seen our sinful fallen nature begins at birth. Children when they misbehave are just acting out their fallen nature passed down from Adam. We as their parents can either allow them to be held captive to their nature with out giving them the neccessary boundaries or we can show them the freedom from the nature that pulls at them every second. To think of us just allowing them to wade in their fallen state with out showing them the way out of the current they will battle to get out of for the entirety of their lives is injustice on our parts to them. Do we expect them to just choose right over wrong with out the instruction and encouragement that is needed. Do we choose right over wrong if we are not constantly and consistently being instructed and encouraged?

The lives of my children are laying in my hands. God has give me as their mother the duty to train them up in His instruction. Though I believe that God of course has the ultimate last hand or say in the lives of my children, I am convinced by the promises in His word that if I train them up in the way they should go then they will be one of His children. If I train them up to be God-fearing, Christ followers who have a deep zeal for the Lord and desire what is good and pure then they surely will be held in His hand forever. It is amazing the turn my child rearing has taken in the last few years. From discipling actions and behaviors for the sake of sheer embarrassment to Christ centered discipling the heart and attitude of my child out of sheer desperation for the sake of their souls and lives in Christ. What a difference huh? Anyways, I fear for you that I could write on this forever so I will move on to some main points that I feel God has unveiled to me and moved me to share.

I will share these later, right now I have to join my fam for some fun!!!!

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