Saturday, October 15, 2005

His Darling?

I breathed in the beauty and laid the cares of the day behind me. A cool breeze whispered by, one of the first to speak of the winter to come. As I walked, I was dazzled by the splendor of it all, and I began to compliment God on the great job he had done. "It's beautiful, Lord! The stars are amazing!"

I'm glad you like it Darling.

I stopped dead in my tracks. blushed. Did the God of the universe just call me "Darling"? Was that okay? I was warmed to the depths of my soul by the endearment, but I also wondered if I had made it up. And was it sacrilegious to believe God would use such a loving name? For me? I am the one who had lost patience with her children that very day and used an ugly voice that hurt them and mortified me. I am the one who is living her life so imperfectly, disappointing friends and failing family.


Later that night, I began to read some Scriptures before falling asleep, and my hand turned to the pages of the Song of Songs. My eyes fell to the words, "How beautiful you are, my darling" (1:15). How kind of God, for then I knew. It had been him. The amazing love of God for me penetrated my heart in a new and deep way that night.

Stasi Eldredge in Captivating.

Can you believe that? I hope and pray you do. I myself tend to miss the simple fact, the Lord loves me and not just a sort of obligated love, no......... a deep and unconditional sort of love. A love that is inexpressible to our hearts. Overwhelming in and of itself, it is like no other and has no measure. I think of how much I love and adore my husband and sometimes that love feels unbearable it runs so deep with no measure and then I think that is how God loves me yet only more..............more it is unfathomable to my little heart to hold the capacity of His im-measurable and jealous love. Yes! Lord you are splendid and a sweet sweet drink to my soul.

Have a blessed day and remember how much He Loves your sinful self!

1 comment:

JavaMama said...

Thank you! I appreciate your kind words I hope you are having a beautiful day!