Friday, October 14, 2005

A Revelation, a good deal, my world.

For He himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you..........the Lord is my keeper. ~Hebrew 13:5

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~Phillipians 4:13

These two verses hit me hard yesterday. I know them both by heart pretty much but for the last week or so lost site of the power they contain. Today, I can read them again and feel a deep and mighty power that moves me and encourages me. I pray that you also can feel the power in these promises! And know that you like me can trust Him to keep them for He our faithful Father who has a deep and lavishing love for us.

A good deal:

Shane and Shane. Out of Eden. David Crowder. Chris Rice. Nicole C. Mullens. I just bought all of these cds for a great frugal price. They all except for the David Crowder were a demo cd on sale for 4.00 dollars. I was very excited. I went for the main purpose to get a cd or two but God blessed me with 5 of my favorite and new releases.

In the World:

I am amazed at all of the injustice and just downright cruel and vicious acts that are going on around us. This morning as I looked on cnn's website I saw many videos of the latest news. Two of them I was appalled and disgusted by. It is unfathomable some of the things that are going on. I usually do not venture out into the world of evil injustice and listen to all of the horror stories. I like to stay in my little world with in the world where the only injustic I hear is "I didn't mean to, I won't do it again Mama, I promise." But every now and then I, with out a choice hear something that is going on out there and when I do I realize how much of a box I live in. I don't think it is good to live in a box, I should know what is going on. I need to open the lid and not remain ignorant to the society I live in. For one these people need prayers and someone to listen to their horror stories. So everyday I get on cnn and read, watch, and listen to the not so pleasurable things going on around me. It makes me sad and thankful. Sad for the pain and loss of justice and thankful that God is a Sovereign and Mighty God in control of all of the things of this world.

Well, I must go. An injustice in my little world just occured. Ha ha.

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