Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sharing a piece

A sliver, a slice of my days. Well, Eli is now 5 years old! Whew! I Can’t believe it still. He had an awesome day yesterday or so he said. He kept all through the day out of no where saying “I can’t believe I am 5!” My sweet and hyper boy of a boy. He is watching a movie right now. He is now able to watch all of the action hero movies and he absolutely loves them. His favorites are Spiderman and Star Wars. I debated on whether he was ready for these types of movies but after much consideration and discussion with the head of my house it was decided that we would give it a try. Well, he passed the test and is allowed to watch them, of course we screen them first to make sure there isn’t anything offensive to our beliefs in them. We do not, or I do not, care for all the scenes of killing but the movies we allow him to watch always have a good and evil existence in them and we are constantly talking to him about them, trying to relate them to well………..good and evil but in a Christian perspective. We will have his birthday party this coming Saturday at a fun and very beautiful park along with his good friends Soren and Kaylee.

Last night we watched the movie Peter Pan and I have to say I was very impressed with it. I enjoyed, maybe more than Eli. It was really more of a love story than I thought. Of course Eli only saw sword fighting, pirates with hats, a villain with a hook for a hand, a monstrous alligator, and flying children (which he wants to do now). It was a good family movie and I always get excited when we find a good family movie, since they are few and far between. I have episode III of Star Wars sitting in my living room right now just screaming my name, but I can’t watch it until Rick gets home, I promised (dangit). He won’t be home till late so we will probably watch it tomorrow night.

Well I am as busy as a bee or I was and I need to be right now. Jason, a good friend of ours is coming to stay with us for a few days and will be here tonight. We are glad, but the house is not quite ready for him so I best get buzzzzing………………….buzzzzzzzz.

More thoughts tonight I hope.

God Bless You

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