Saturday, September 10, 2005

Well today was a nice day. A little chaotic but still nice. It started out slow but soon turned into a fast pace. We went to the mall today to get Rick's hair cut, or should I say re-cut. He got a butcher cut yesterday so we had to go back and find someone who could fix the mess. Luckily he found an awesome guy at a place in the mall called Regis. We also went so that I could find some modest femenin clothes. Hah! Modest Feminine clothes in this world....................yeah it was hard to say the least. We were there for 5 hours, bless Rick's heart I felt bad but I was in need of some. I went from store to store leaving them with disgust, disbelief, and dissapointment. I did finally find in some stores a few modest items. I have to say that it is hard to be on a tight budget and try shopping at all of these nice stores. You really have to be disciplined and focused. I successfully, I think did I will restrain from going there to much for the temptation is hard to bare. Well, it is late and we have a wonderful Sunday to get ready for so I will leave you with some inspirational rejoicing words from David.

Praise the Lord.
How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!!
Psalm 147:1

Be Blessed!

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