Thursday, September 29, 2005

I finally got up on time this morning! Okay I slept a little later than I wanted to but still it was better than most days lately. My goal each morning is to get up at 5:00 so that I can have some good in depth study time, a long commune with God, and a little computer time. I haven't been making it though, usually I just reset the alarm and then end up turning it off and getting up at like 6:30 or later. Kai gets up at 7:00 so that doesn't give me much time. I must say it is really hard to find any time to just relax and enjoy something when you have kids, a husband, and a house. I am the kind of person that feels like she needs that time to keep sane for the rest of the day, other wise I yearn for it all day and that is not good. So Rick and I set a rule today concerning free time. The computer is to be "Off Limits" after 7:00am until 9:00pm everyday! I am use to jumping on for 5 minutes just to check something and then jumping right back off again a few times through out the day, no more of that I guess. I do still get my time at Kai's nap though in the afternoon time.

It takes a lot of self-control for me to say "no" when I don't have anyone here to fire me if I don't. I have never been very good when it comes to self-control. That is a fruit of the Spirit that I am lacking in concerning my priorities. I read an article the other day on priorites and in it was the scripture Proverbs 3:6 which says "In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success." I have been trying to engrave this wisdom in my heart. Because if I were to really trully honestly follow this rule I would see a big difference in my family life and in myself. I love the "crown your efforts with success" because it gives me great motivation. That is what I want is for my efforts to be crowned. What a beautiful vision for me to see. The crown for me is that my home is a haven for my family, I am a gem to my husband, and that my children will arise to call me blessed. What a glorious crown that I so desperately desire. My priorites should go in this order: God, husband, children, and home and what is so funny is the fact that I must become selfless in order for these to happen. Selfishness is what I would describe as my biggest hindrance to letting God lead me, but if I shall obtain the crown I so desire which is one to put on my my home, my husband, and my children then in the end I think I will look up to find that I have one on me as well. In my priorities I thought where do I fit in there and my first thought was I guess no where I am at the end, very last. But I guess that just depends on how you look at them because after seeing what my crowns are I see me in each and everyone of those and that is the way God wants it, I think. I pray that I as well as you will put God first and obtain our desired crowns whatever they may be.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of "early rising". It's been a quest of mine to get up early also. It isn't easy by any means but sooooo worth it.
