Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Challenge, finished, enjoying, and some comfort

I challenge you today to listen and yeild to the silent whispers in your heart and mind. When you are in the midst of life whether big or little hardhsip I encourage you to be quiet and listen and you will hear them. When you do don't ignore them, yeild to them immediatly.


I finished a really good book that I recomend to all women of God. It is called Biblical Womanhood in the Home edited by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. If you do not know who this woman is look over at my sidebar under Influentcial Women of God and click on Nancy Leigh DeMoss and learn some and maybe even listen to her 15 minute radio show. In this book there are many authors and all of them give a lot of insight into the high an holy calling of womanhood. I am so excited about sharing this book with all of you! It is extremely encouraging and soaked in scripture.


We are in Lake Charles right now enjoying good times with family. It has been just lovely so far and relaxing. Christmas is only a few days away now and that means so is my birthday, not to take any glory away from Christ of course, I just remembered. I no longer look forward to birthdays. I use to love them and long for them. The thought that every year I got a little bit closer to freedom, ha! What an illusion. Now every year I just get a year older than the year before. What a blessing though, to get older. 2 Corinthians 3: 18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. When I think of getting older I try to remeber this verse and I am comforted instead of plagued with feelings of dispair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kel! It's Marsha. Just ran across this and decided to catch up on you and your lovely family. I hope you're all great! If you're still in Lake Charles I live in Foely's from 6-midnight just about every day. I hope you have a wonderful visit and Merry Christmas! God Bless!