Sunday, December 10, 2006

What is the point?

Lately when I have gone or even thought about reading the word this question has plagued my mind and heart. I am saddened to admit that this is where I am at right now in my relationsip with the Lord. I am in a desert wandering blindly and only on feeling. It has been difficult trying to do everything alone. I have no excuse for my lack of faithfulness to the Lord. My life on the outside is not much different from anyone's perspective.

Things need to change..............


Anonymous said...

If we are faithless,
He remains faithful;
He cannot deny Himself.

2 Timothy 2:13

I'm praying for you sister.

I know how hard walking with the Lord can be. I pile expectations upon myself and then get discouraged when I can't meet them. It seems useless and futile. Those are my feelings however and not the truth.

He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. He knows everything about me and He still loves me.

Cling to Him and He WILL carry you through.

He loves you. He loves you. He loves you.

JavaMama said...

Thank you friend for your encouraging words!! They are much appreciated. :0)