Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wow it has been a long time since I have posted. The last couple of weeks I have been really dwelling on this phrase..........Let Go and Let God. In all of my difficult situations I have been trying to reflect on it, on letting go and letting God. When I first heard this phrase or read it which ever it was I thought to myself.........what does this mean? I have found that when you let go........of your fears, your jealousy, your pain, your grief, your selfish ambition, your greed, your hate, bitterness, your discontentment, you nervousness, and sometimes even your plans...............and let God take control of them you inevitably have............peace, joy, rest, and anwsers...............and the power that you need to persevere through and overcome your personal hindrance or obstacle that was in you way to glorifying the Lord and having His peace live with in your situations and circumstances.

Joyfully in Him,


Mister Jason said...

If misunderstood, "Let go and let God" could almost be an excuse for complacency. One may say, "Well, I know that I need to change my ways, but I'm sick of trying. I'm just going to quit trying and let God do his thing." So I guess we might say that "Let go" does not mean stop trying, because it seems that our continual effort (trying) would be evidence that a sovereign God is working in us.

You've defined "Let go" well in your post--let go of sin and let God take control of your life. By letting go of our sin, it seems that we are letting God take control. How do you think it's possible for us to "let" a sovereign God take control of our lives? Would "let go and let God" apply to both a believer and an unbeliever? I often hear folks say that the Spirit is a gentlemen; He doesn't do anything that we don't "let" him do. Do you think this is true?

JavaMama said...

Okay let me rephrase because I don't now that you point it out to me believe in the first one I posted......so to put it a better way......"Let go and RECOGNIZE AND EMBRACE THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL". I do not believe that we "let" as in give Him permission to take control for He is sovereign and already Has control. I can not give Him permission to do something that He is already doing. I can not give Him permission to do anything with me for I am His created being. I am the clay and He is the potter.

As for the unbelievers and believers alike they are both under His ultimate control for He created them both. Whether or not either want to recognize His sovereignty or not He is still Sovereign.

Your third question.........simply put is NO.

JOYfully in Him,

Kayla said...

I have been trying lately to "Give it to God." It's amazing what He shows you when you let Him know that YOU know HE's in control. Amen Kelli, great post! I understood it. I am so there too!