Monday, August 01, 2005

We just don't know do we? What the day may bring? There is nothing that we can do that will fully prepare us for tomarrow for we know not the exact happenings that are going to be. We usually do have an idea but not always, and I sat wondering today what makes one day better or worse that yesterday or tomorrow? I often wonder if this same circumstance or situation that happened today had happened yesterday would it be the same outcome or would it be better or worse. Is it the circumstances and situations or our attittudes towards them? In some cases I think no matter what today would have been a bad day and other cases I say I wish this would have happened yesterday. Do our attitudes affect our circumstances or vice versa? Which is it....I guess it would be both. So can everyday be a good day? Is it ultimitately up to us and the choice of having a good attitude or a bad one determine the day's outcome? I know that there are exceptions as in most cases but in just a normal day we have the power to overcome bad circumstances with our attitudes! Wow, what a revelation........I know that we all already knew this but it is something that is easly looked past and forgotten. We often allow, I think, our circumstances to rule our attitudes. The thing that we forget is that we control our attitudes not the circumstances. We can't always control the circumstances that come into our days but and even though it is extremely difficult at times we do have control over our own attitudes by conrolling our thoughts. For me there are times when I do feel as though I do not have control of them but that is a lie that I am told so that my oppressor can have victory over me and steal God's glory. I say all of this because last night I went to bed with this feeling of determination that today was going to be an awesome productive day balanced with playing with my two boys and I knew just how everything was going to go. Well, there were different plans instore for me when I woke up and the day went way off of the course that I had set for it. It was for me a bad day because I lost control of my emotions and attitudes and allowed the situations and circumstance to rule them. I fell into the lie and proceeded in it pretty much all day. And mid-point into the day I got to thinking about how the day had taken such a drastic turn from how I had thought it was going to go. Isn't this the way we so often treat God and the plans that He has for us? We get a bad attitude because we don't like the way His plans go because well......they were not our own. We can miss so much if we think this way. I missed so many things in today just because of my attitude.........had it been a grateful, content, and optimistic one I might have seen so much more around me and I could have brought so much more glory to God, but all I can do now is learn learn learn and grow from it................I hope that I do not forget this lesson on the power that I possess behind the circumstances in my life and in the plans that God has for thoughts.

1 comment:

JavaMama said...

Carly I want you to know that I am praying for you girl. God is in total control......lean on, trust in, and totally rely on Him. Give up your plans to the Lord and let Him and HIs perfect will lead is amazing where He will take you. Remember always that He knows what is best and when it hurts be still and know that He is God and He sees the whole picture that you can't see just yet. It will be revealed to you one day. Love ya, Kelli.