Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Clutter and Chaos

Clutter: to fill or litter with things in a disorderly manner
Chaos: a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.

Normally we look at these in the viw of our homes but lets look at them in the view of our hearts. I am currently doing the Colossial Clutter Clean-Up by Amy at Dandelion Seeds and the vital ingredient to de-cluttering our homes is to first de-clutter our hearts. I enjoy her little description of these to unwanted guests. The Lord is working through her to remove the clutter and chaos that has accumulated in my own heart and I praise Him!

What is your heart filled or littered with in a disorderly manner? Let me share mine and what I think the root of the clutter comes from.

The Clutter in my heart:
  1. Selfishness
  2. Pride
  3. Discontentment

These are what I have littered my heart with, they are all piled up inside and are accumulating at a fast rate. The things of God are unequally piled among them causing a lot of confusion and leading my heart into a state of Chaos! I am in need of cleaning out my heart of these things and replacing them with the word and heart of God instead. I rarely feel as though my heart is in a state of peace, I desire for peace to reign in the home of my heart.

I have found that James 3:16 shows what the root of disorder/clutter is.......For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. Selfish ambition can only lead to distruction but first will come disorder and it moves very slowly as to not come to our attention to quickly. It is something that we all deal with to some degree and I pray that we all can keep a close eye on. I am in the begining of this de-cluttering process and have so many thoughts running freely in my mind. I hope to share them with you as they relate closely to my spiritual walk.

JOYfully in Him,


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